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Fuji Electronics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

Contact Fuji Energy for inquiries, collaborations, and more. Get in touch with us for energy solutions and battery products. (Contact Fuji Energy)


Tél : 0086-755-33895166


Whatsapp Number: +86 13925233268

Numéro Skype : yhtang.misuory


Mob:+86 13925233268
Email: lulinxue@fujielec.con

If you have an urgent contact, you can contact Katrina

Shenzhen – Siège social

Bld.10,2ème parc industriel Tangxiayong, Songgang, Baoan, Shenzhen

Contact Fuji Energy

Huizhou – Succursale

Usine n ° 11-12, parc industriel de zhongkai Zhongji Zhigu, village de Shanpo, ville de Lilin, ville de Huizhou

Taipei – Succursale

15 Floor Bld.10,886 Zhongzheng Road, Jhonghe District, Xinbei, Taïwan

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